Drill #10 - Billiard University Exam 1 Stop Shot, Zone 2

Based on the Stop Shot drill from Exam 1 of the Billiard University's "Playing Ability Exams," this drill focuses on shooting from Zone 2 of 7 (1 being the easiest).

Set up the shot as shown in the table diagram and shoot a "Stop Shot" where the cue ball stops within one ball's diameter of the contact point with the object ball. You are allowed to have the cue ball hit the rail after striking the object ball.

This is a "pass or fail" drill. Since this is considered a very entry-level shot, a passing grade for this drill is to make the shot 10 times out of 10.

Click the image to enlarge.
Demonstration of drill #10 by Cellar Cue Sports
This video explains the Billiard University Exam 1. This drill is based off of the Stop Shot Drill part of Exam 1.